Subject: do you ever feel not good enough about yourself?

Hello Friend,

There was a time when I felt like I was always lagging behind, watching others achieve their dreams while I was stuck.

But then, I started to reflect on the stories I'd heard and read throughout my life – tales of people overcoming obstacles and finding their path. These stories became my beacon. Here's what worked for me:

1- Comparing my journey to others' only held me back. I realized that, like the diverse stories I admired, my path was uniquely mine, filled with its own challenges and triumphs.

2- Talking down to myself got me nowhere. I began to challenge my inner critic by remembering my accomplishments, no matter how small, building a mosaic of self-worth.

3- Acknowledging my growth was crucial. Inspired by tales of perseverance, I started to appreciate my progress, understanding that every step forward was a victory.

4- Offering and accepting support became easier. Realizing that everyone has their struggles helped me open up and connect with others on a deeper level.

5- Focusing on the present brought peace. I learned to appreciate the moment, reducing my worries about what was to come.

6- Embracing my individuality made me stronger. I saw that my unique experiences and qualities were not shortcomings but strengths.

Feeling 'not good enough' is something many of us face, but it's through our individual stories and journeys that we find our true value. 

Sharing this, I hope to inspire you to embrace your own path with confidence and pride.

What do you do when you feel not so good enough?

To Your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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