Subject: Are you getting noticed?

Are you getting noticed?

September 10th, 2022 at 12:04 pm IST

Hello Friend, Are you facing any of these situations? 1- You are applying for several jobs but no body is responding back 2- You are working really hard, putting extra time efforts and probably performing better than others at work yet, people aren' ...

⚡ Speakathon @ 7:30 PM

September 10th, 2022 at 10:30 am IST

Hello Friend, We are meeting today at 07:30 PM for our Speakathon. You can choose to 👇 1- Give a 2 min speech on any topic of your choice 2- Practice giving a Presentation that you might be preparing for your work 3- Team up with 1-2 participa ...

⚡Mastermind Q & A @6:00 PM today

September 10th, 2022 at 9:32 am IST

Hello Friend, We are meeting from 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM today for our Q A session. You will be given a google form to ask your questions at the start of the session. Please be on time. Enter the session To your Brand's SuccessSakshi Chandraakar

Doors are open...

September 7th, 2022 at 7:00 pm IST

Hello Friend, We are live.. you haven't missed much. Just hop in! Enter Masterclass! To Your Brand's SuccessSakshi Chandraakar

Special Invite for

September 7th, 2022 at 5:21 pm IST

Hello Friend, I would like to invite you to my special masterclass at 7:00 PM I would be breaking down the elements that is helping 1200 + professionals jobseekers attract their dream career opportunity in 6-8 weeks. Enter Masterclass! Benefits ...

See you at 07:00 pm 🙋‍♀️ - Get jobs, promotion & salary hike by building your brand

September 7th, 2022 at 5:04 pm IST

Hello Friend, Time to learn these important concepts in our MASTERCLASS today at 07:00 PM👇 1- How your Online Presence has more impact on your career growth than your Resume or Cover letter. 2- How by building your Personal Career Brand you can ...

To the teacher in you 🙏🏻

September 5th, 2022 at 3:17 pm IST

Hello Friend, A man is liberated when he is educated. Shri Swami Vivekananda, one of the Greatest Teachers ever to exist on earth says, Dependence is misery Independence is happiness . The main purpose of human life is to live a life free from all ...

To the teacher in you 🙏🏻

September 5th, 2022 at 10:20 am IST

Hello Friend, A man is liberated when he is educated. Shri Swami Vivekananda, one of the Greatest Teachers ever to exist on earth says, Dependence is misery Independence is happiness . The main purpose of human life is to live a life free from all ...

⚡Don't make these mistakes

September 4th, 2022 at 1:00 pm IST

Hello Friend, Self-awareness is the begining of transformation. Today I'm talking about mistakes. The faster you learn about the mistakes you are making the faster you can rectify them the quicker you reach your goals. If your plan to reach your g ...

See you at 04:00 pm 🙋‍♀️ - Get jobs, promotion & salary hike by building your brand

September 4th, 2022 at 1:00 pm IST

Hello Friend, Time to learn these important concepts in our MASTERCLASS today at 04:00 PM👇 1- How your Online Presence has more impact on your career growth than your Resume or Cover letter. 2- How by building your Personal Career Brand you can ...