Subject: bootcamp day#2 wealth creation joining link...👇


Happy Guru Purnima 🙏

If you haven't done it already...

Please take some time to send a "thank you" to all the gurus you had in life.

(I just did)

Now coming to the BootCamp...

>>>Here's your day#2 joining link:

TODAY is all about building your BRAND VALUATION

Brand equity + Brand valuation = MASSIVE WEALTH.

I can't wait to share with you the advanced strategies I've for Day#2.

Today we'll look at:

  • how to build a 1 Crore brand valuation using 5 things that you ALREADY have but are not aware of.

All in a span of less than 1 year.

Once again;

>>> Register here to discover how to build your 1 Cr brand this year


NO RECORDINGS for this bootcamp. Joining LIVE is the only way to get access to this training.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

P.S - Keeping your camera on is mandatory

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