Subject: award for Friend😀👇

Hello Friend,

I hope you're doing great...

I have a BIG news to share with you...

On 24th of Aug (Last Week!), I got the "Inspiring Leaders" award by Times Applaud...


The one & only...

Mr. Anupam Mittal.

Shark tank judge & the founder of

Here's the picture:

I was given this award for two major reasons:

1) For building a strong following of over 100,000 people on Linkedin.

2) Having built a multi-crore brand from scratch.

I'm telling you this because...

I see in you - enough potential to easily get 10 such awards.

You see, ...

I know many of you are incredibly talented and capable of building multi-crore brands.

You have the skills, the passion, and the potential.

But what I’ve learned in my journey is that talent alone isn’t enough.

What truly makes the difference is willingness.

Your willingness to be aware of your gaps and invest in your learning to bridge them.

Your willingness to find someone to learn from and surrender to the process.

Your willingness to not give in to your own excuses when things don’t go right.

Your willingness to keep believing that your persistence will pay off.

And your willingness to become so good that you can associate with people better than you.

Throughout my journey, I could have easily made excuses—I could have said:

"I don’t have the business acumen, I don’t have the money to invest, I have young kids to look after, I lack the knowledge and skills, I’m too old… " and the list could go on.

But I didn’t give myself the privilege of excuses. I gave myself the reason to invest in myself.

No success comes on a platter.

We create it through our willingness to push forward and invest in our growth.

So, I ask you—if I can do it, can you too?

Everything else is figureoutable.

Let’s continue to strive, learn, and achieve together.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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