Subject: ask these 3 questions before picking a career...👇

The difference between a:

Rewarding, highly paid & happy career


Draining, underpaid & stressful career…

…are these 3 questions:

Question #1: Do I enjoy doing it?

This is the MOST important.

When you're doing your job, do you enjoy it?

Do you look forward to doing it?

Question #2: Do people need what I do?

I like to read books, watch TV & eat Kichadi...

I'm yet to find a way to get people to pay me to do this.

Not EVERYTHING you enjoy doing will have commercial value in it.

So the next question to as is:

"Do people really need what I do?"

Question #3: Does this inspire me?

So now you've shortlisted lines of work that:

A) You enjoy doing it.

B) People NEED it.

The next step for you is to ask if this inspires you.

This third question will prevent mid-life crisis & a feeling of "emptiness" that comes with

doing the same thing for a prolonged period of time.

(EVEN if you enjoy it & get paid well)

This is where you connect your work with your life's mission.

The BEST career for you is the one that answers YES to all three of the above.

I'll show you exactly how to score one such career tomorrow at 11:00 AM.

>>>register here for the 11:00 AM masterclass happening tomorrow

(& score a career that answers ALL those 3 questions)

To Your Brand's Success,

Sakshi Chadraakar

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