Subject: ask me anything (& I'll answer TODAY)👇

Friend, I'm hoping your crushing it with your career brand...

While you're:

  • learning new skills

  • creating content

  • networking

  • scouting creamy job opportunities

  • building your career brand

There will be moments that might not make 100% sense to you.

There will be unanswered questions that bug you.

"It will all make sense, one day".

But who has time to wait till then?

(btw, "one day" is a reallly loong time)

I'm going to answer all of it for you by today itself.

Hosting an exclusive QnA call with my community members at 6:00 PM sharp today.

>>>here's the joining link (you can ask me anything here)

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

P.S. Check out the entire month's June Month's Training Schedule Here.

(add in to your calendar)

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