Subject: are you playing it too safe?

Hello Friend,

Have you ever caught yourself thinking, "Am I playing it too safe at work?"

It's something many of us go through.

There's this quote that really hits home: "The greatest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks." – Mark Zuckerberg

It's kind of eye-opening, isn't it?

We often find ourselves in this comfortable routine, not wanting to rock the boat, even though deep down, we know we're capable of so much more.

It's like we're stuck in a game where the rules are to play small, keep your head down, and settle for the safety of the familiar.

But here's the catch – when we play small, we're not just limiting our career growth or opportunities; we're also putting a cap on our relationships, our finances & most importantly our happiness.

Sticking to the small game can leave us feeling unfulfilled, always wondering, "What if?"

It's a cycle of underestimating our potential that can make us question our decisions and the path we're on.

Why do we keep playing this game? Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, or maybe it's just more comfortable to stick with what we know.

But imagine for a moment if we decided to take that leap, to play a bigger game that aligns with our true potential.

For 40 years, I played a small, mediocre game, always pointing fingers at people and circumstances for my failures.

The truth, however, was that I was entirely responsible for every decision I made.

Looking back, I see how much valuable time I lost to playing it safe, and to be brutally honest, I didn't really love myself either.

It's impossible to fool ourselves, and deep down, I knew I wasn't doing what was necessary.

Today, I stand at the helm of a successful business, surrounded by wonderful relationships and a thriving community.

The transformation? I chose to Play Big. Embracing risks, confronting my fears (a battle that continues), and challenging my own mediocrity were the catalysts for this change.

Sure, it's a path filled with uncertainties and challenges, but also one that promises greater rewards, personal growth, and the joy of truly achieving what we're capable of.

Are you ready to rethink the game you're playing ?

Maybe it's time for us to challenge those limiting beliefs and explore what lies beyond our comfort zones.

If you're keen on exploring how to play big and build a remarkable brand, join me in my Masterclass tomorrow at 11 AM.​ It might just be the step you've been waiting to take.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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