Subject: an easy 5-step method to get a HIKE (fastt) 👇


You walk into the office every day.

You show up to work on time.

You complete your tasks.

And you think that should be enough for a salary hike, right?


But let me tell you something...

If you keep doing just what’s expected,

Kiss that Salary hike goodbye...

Here’s the harsh truth:

If you want a salary hike, you need to make yourself indispensable.

Focus on Solving Problems No One Else Can

Let me explain.

Every workplace has problems—big and small—that no one wants to touch.

They’re the tasks that everyone avoids

Because they’re either too complex or outside their comfort zone.


  • Clients complaining about the service

  • Upselling to existing clients

  • Building a team

  • Or finding new revenue opportunities

This is your hike-getting-vehicle.

By stepping up and tackling these problems,

You’re showing your boss that you’re not just another employee...

You’re a problem solver.

You see, companies don’t reward people who just follow orders.

They reward those who make their lives easier,


Here's what to do:

  1. Go & arrange a 1on1 meeting with your boss.

  2. Ask them what are the top 3 problems they're facing

  3. fix it for them (in most cases they will only tell you what will fix it)

  4. All you need to do is execute on it & fix those problems for them

  5. Done

You've now made yourself indispensable to your organization.


This is just one of the hundreds of hacks I've that can potentially ​double your salary.​

I'll talk more in detail about each of these hacks in the "double your salary workshop".

>>>​join the "double your salary" workshop here​

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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