Subject: Your decisions show up in 2 places

Hello Friend,

Your decisions show up in 2 places – Your calendar & your bank account

The word "decision" comes from Latin roots, which mean "to cut away from any other possibility."

Therefore, a decision means cutting from any other possibility.

A true decision means you are committed to achieving a result and cutting yourself off from any other possibility.

However, despite making a committed decision most people aren't able to achieve what they want.

Do you know why?

👉Because- No matter what you say you value or even think your priorities are, your last year's calendar and bank account will tell you what you truly value.

👉 Your actions will always be in sync with your true values.

Let me explain –

1-    When you choose (decide) to procrastinate instead of getting your work done, you are essentially saying that you value short-term comfort over long-term success.

2-    When you choose (decide) to gossip about a colleague instead of addressing the issue directly, you are saying that you value drama and negativity over respectful communication.

3-    When you decide to earn more money, get a better job or promotion, but you don’t invest in your learning & self-improvement, you send the message that you value mediocrity over your growth & development.

So, simply making a decision doesn't make things achievable.


Successful people value growth & for which they are willing to invest both their time & money.

📌The money in your bank account will grow only when you grow.

Are you growing?

Look at your last year's calendar. Where did you spend your time & money?

👉If you are interested in attracting better jobs & promotions & are willing to change your value & rebrand yourself, join me in my Career Branding Masterclass tomorrow 19th March @ 11 AM

Here's your session link👇

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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