Subject: 🔊Your Voice Matters: A Special Cyber Monday Opportunity to become a Legend!

Hello Friend,

I hope this message finds you well.

Over the past few days, I've been deeply moved by the stories and requests from many of you who, for various reasons, couldn't take advantage of our Black Friday offer.

Your eagerness to grow and be part of the Legends journey has resonated with us.

In response, we're extending a hand once more this Cyber Monday.

For today only, we’re reopening the doors to the Legends Certification at the special lifetime price of ₹250,000.

This isn’t just a repeat offer; it's a testament to our commitment to your growth and our belief in the power of second chances.

Here’s What This Means for You:

  • Access to a program that's more than just courses and credentials – it’s a path to transformation.

  • The opportunity to join a compassionate community that values growth, support, and resilience.

  • A chance to redefine your personal and professional life, supported by our pillars of Mindset, Skillset, People Set, and AI for Branding.

This offer is born out of listening to you it's for those who reached out with hope and for those who dream of more. It’s for the late-night thinkers, the early-morning dreamers, and everyone who believes it’s never too late to start.

 Here's a quick recap of what Legends Membership has to offer:

📌Mindset Mastery - Gain the mental resilience and clarity needed to navigate any challenge with confidence.

📌Skillset Development - Acquire cutting-edge skills that set you apart & make you an invaluable asset in your industry.

📌People Enhancement - Cultivate meaningful connections with industry experts and like-minded professionals, expanding your network and opportunities.

📌AI for Branding - Learn to leverage AI to elevate your brand strategies and create a distinctive and impactful brand presence in today's competitive landscape.

The Legends Membership isn't just an investment in your career, it's an investment in yourself.

👉Enroll Today with an Initial Payment of ₹49,999

👍Followed by two installments of ₹1,00,000 each, due on January 31st and March 31st, 2024.

We believe in your potential to achieve greatness and we are committed to providing you with the tools and support to make it happen.

Ready to embark on your journey to legendary status?

Choose from the below option to secure your Legends Membership at the Special CYBER MONDAY offer



> GPay /Paytm - 6356515151

> UPI ID - chandrakar.sakshi@oksbi

Bank Details 👇


Account #- 5013064117

Bank - Kotak Mahindra Bank

Ac Type - Current

IFSC Code - KKBK0000665

Branch - Kandivali Mumbai

Your success is our priority and we can't wait to welcome you into the Legends Community.

Let's turn this Cyber Monday into a day of new beginnings and bold steps forward.

Your journey to becoming a Legend is just a click away.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

P.S. - Reach out to us for any further assistance.

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