Subject: ⚡Your Promotion Depends Upon These 5 Traits

Hello Friend,

Read this if you are looking looking for hikes or promotions 👇

No one ever asks you if you wish to be a leader or do you have leadership skills.

📌If you have it, you need to demonstrate it.

👉You are hired & promoted based on the experience you give to the decision-makers about who you are, what you’ve got to offer & what makes you a better choice over others.

If you’ve been struggling to get that salary hike, promotion, or leadership role, see if you are displaying these 5 traits.

1-    Hunger for wisdom – All great leaders are committed to lifelong learning. They’re always learning & developing their skills & knowledge to stay upbeat in their domains. They are coachable.

👉Do you think you’re seen as an expert in your domain?

2-    Courage – Courage gives you the ability to put aside your fear of failure to take the first steps and engage your stakeholders.

👉Do you think you are seen as an initiator & a calculative risk taker?

3-    Taking Responsibility – Great leaders consistently take responsibility for their actions. It shows they’ll be dependable if things get tough and that they know how to show accountability for their actions and behavior.

👉Are you taking responsibility or playing the blame game?

4-    Optimistic Spirit – Optimism is a tendency to expect positive outcomes. Even when bad things happen, optimistic leaders focus on what they can do to move themselves and their companies beyond the current crisis.

👉Are you able to create value where others are simply defending their position?

5-    Think others first – Cultivating the ability to think about others is the sign of a true leader. They never think they’re above certain projects, assignments, or tasks, and they’re always willing to help others when needed.

👉Do you think you are seen as a people person?

You need to stop obsessing over your years of experience & start focusing on your BRANDING to create real value & visibility for your expertise and talents.

📌Join me in my masterclass today at 7 PM to learn how to build your career brand & demonstrate your value at work.

Here's your zoom session link 👇


I will keep the doors open at 06:50 PM

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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