Subject: Your New Game Plan tomorrow @7pm

Hello Friend,

Do you know what drives your future?

 Albert Einstein said," Imagination is more important than knowledge".

Whatever imagination you have towards your future is actually the biggest thing driving who you are in the present.

A Jewish psychiatrist Victor Frankl did research on prisoners during world war II & he found out that the moment one of the fellow prisoners lost hope and faith in their future then they were doomed and their physical bodies literally shut down and they ultimately died very quickly.

So, Frankl suggests that 👇

✅People not only need hope and vision for their future but a meaning to fulfill

in the future.

Without some meaning and a specific goal for their future, they can't really move forward.

👉Humans are not actually driven by their past, we're actually pulled forward by the future.

What is that future?

You may want to have 5 cr & I may want 1 cr but we both will get what we are most committed to.

👉We are all driven by the future we are most committed to.

Ask yourself, what are you most committed to.

The problem that most people face is that the future that they're facing is way too short term they're dealing with immediate battles they're dealing with what's urgent.

I know you are here because you probably want a job or a hike or career growth but focusing only on the short-term things will cost your BIG TERM FUTURE SELF.

Most people's future is really close, a month or 3 away. What next?

I want you to lift your gaze to 5-10-15 years so that you can connect to a much bigger future self.

👉The more you focus on your short-term hits you put your future self in debt.

"THE BRAND YOU AWAITS YOU" out there in the long future.

👉If your goals are small you will generate small results even if you are working for hrs, days & months.

We are a couple of weeks away from the new year & from your new future.

Inviting you tomorrow, Sunday 4th Nov for our special learning session at 7 PM to help you create your NEW BIG FUTURE with a new GAME PLAN.

A future focussed to achieve success & fulfillment in all the areas of your life:





Are you willing to meet your Bigger New Self?

Register for the session now 👇


See you tomorrow

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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