Subject: Your Hesitation Is Costing You Lacks Right Now...

Hello Friend,

Every day, I see incredibly talented professionals who are just one step away from unlocking their true earning potential.

Yet, that step remains untaken. Why? Because investing in career branding feels like a leap into the unknown.

Are you one of them? 

But what if I told you that the real risk lies in not taking that step at all?

👉 Lets’ suppose you're currently earning ₹50,000 and your goal is to elevate to a ₹1 lakh salary, here's what staying still could be costing you: 

1- Right Now: By not moving to that ₹1 lakh salary, you're missing out on ₹50,000 each month. Add it up, and that's ₹6 lakhs a year just vanished.

2- Next Steps: Imagine upping your game even more next year, to say ₹1.5 lakhs, thanks to a strong brand. Staying still means you're not just losing ₹6 lakhs this year, but could be missing out on ₹9 lakhs or more next year.

3- Climbing Higher: Every promotion you don't get because your brand isn't shining means a lot of cash left on the table — think ₹30,000 a month min, or ₹3.6 lakhs a year, gone. 

4- Talking Money: If you could negotiate your way to a 50% higher salary with a better brand, not doing it means you're not seeing an extra ₹25,000 every month. Yep, that's ₹3 lakhs a year not in your pocket. 

5- Who You Know: A great brand opens doors. Missing out on those networking opportunities to get bigger contracts or deals? That's at least ₹3-5 lakhs a year you won't earn. 

6- The Big Picture: Beyond the bucks, think about what you lose in confidence, growth, and where you could go in your career. It's huge and hard to put a number on.

All Added Up?

📌 Hesitation could be costing you way more than the ₹6 lakhs from not hitting that initial salary goal.

📌 We're talking about losing over ₹12-15 lakhs a year when you consider everything.

And that's just the start. Ready to Stop the Loss?

Feel free to join me in my upcoming masterclass tomorrow, 13th March @7PM 👉 Zoom Session Link

Do calculate based on your current salary what cost are you paying by not branding yourself?

To Your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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