Subject: You only get what you deserve not what you desire

Hello Friend,

Do you know why people don't achieve their goals?

People tweak up their desire, but they never tweak up their competence – Sadguru

Such a profound statement.

Each one of us prepares ourselves for everything we have or do not have right at this moment in our lives.

👉The job that you don’t have, the promotion that you don’t have, the fitness that you don’t have, or the relationship that you don’t have, you prepared yourself to not have it by choosing to not do what you should have done.

Read that again.

I meet several jobseekers & professionals who complain about not growing in their careers despite their degrees & experience.

And I know most of them will never.

Not because they can’t but because they choose not to do what they must.

👉 Your expensive degree can’t get you a job if you don’t know how to communicate with your interviewer.
Communication is competence.

👉 Your 15-20 yrs of experience won’t get you a promotion if you don’t have an executive presence.
Executive Presence is competence.

👉 Your amazing product won’t get sold until you learn how to sell.
Selling is competence.

We all have certain levels of gaps that make us unfit for certain roles or unworthy of achieving certain goals.

And until we focus on bridging that gap, no amount of goal setting, affirmations, manifestation, cribbing, or complaining can make us achieve that.

Every day I see several talented people ruining their chances just because they don’t do what is needed.

❌They choose to fill their lives with excuses, not actions.

You got to do what you got to do if you want what you want. PERIOD

Are you working on building your competence?

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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