Subject: What's your ONE WORD INTENTION?

Hello Friend,

I'm sure you must have set goals in your life at some point in time for something or the other.

You might still be doing it & probably are good at it.

However, have you ever set an intention before your set a goal?

Your intentions make you purposeful in pursuing your desires.

Setting intentions gives you control over your choices & makes you more accountable for your goals.

My one-word intention for this month is CLARITY.

I want to give utmost clarity to every member of our community to help them achieve their goals.


The clear you are on what you want, why you want & how you plan to achieve it, the more confidence & conviction you'll have in achieving it.

This is the reason why I decided to restructure & give a whole new format to Brandathon from this month onwards.

If you are new to the community or have never participated in Brandathon previously or have left it in between, I urge you to join it & reach your goals in the next 6-8 weeks.

Here's a sneak peek into BRANDATHON 2.0 👇

Do share your one-word intention with me & join us this Brandathon if you are not a Brandathon Finisher yet.

We are meeting today at 7 pm

➡️ The zoom link will be shared inside the Brandathon group only.

➡️ Fill out this google form first & then join the telegram group just below this form (if you haven't yet).

Only after filling the google form, pls join this group.

Have a Super September!

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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