Subject: 📌What others say about you is of course your business!

Hello Friend,

Do you care about what others think of you?

I wanted to share a different perspective with you today that might pique your interest.

Over the years, we've heard enough phrases like "to hell with what people say" or "I don't care what others think."

However, let's take a moment to look at it from a fresh angle.

📌Opinions are shaped by the impressions we leave on others' minds through our words, actions, decisions, behavior, appearance, and conduct.

📌In essence, we play a significant role in how others perceive us.

👉If someone finds you unintelligent, it could be because of something you said or wrote that came across as silly.

👉If someone sees you as arrogant, it might be because of a time you unintentionally came across as rude.

👉Feeling lacking in confidence? Perhaps you've unknowingly displayed moments of incompetency or low self-esteem.

👉And if someone perceives you as unprofessional, it could be due to instances when you appeared laid-back.

Of course, we shouldn't concern ourselves with those who are consistently negative, regardless of our actions.

However, for everyone else, their perception of you becomes your personal & professional brand – how you're seen through their eyes.

📌We can't thrive alone.

We build businesses, reach goals, and make connections with the support and collaboration of others.

That's why what others think about us should matter to some extent.

Everything we do or don't do either contributes to building or damaging our brand.

So, my friend, I ask you: Are you taking your brand seriously?

Food for thought. Feel free to reach out if you want to dive deeper into this topic.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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