Subject: What adjectives describe you in the professional world?

Hello Friend,

What adjectives describe you in the professional world?

👉Ambitious or Aimless
👉 Independent or Conforming
👉 Disciplined or Laid-back
👉Confident or Nervous
👉 Efficient or Sloppy
👉 Interesting or Boring
👉 Competent or Unfit

These adjectives in the minds of other people build your- Reputation/Brand

You may say,"I don't care what others think."

Well, the truth is 👇

Your Personal & Career Brand is what people think you are.

The personal & professional attributes you reflect can attract opportunities & bring you better jobs or more clients.

Or, the same can do the complete opposite.

Your attributes are reflected everywhere

In your 👇
-Social media

📌Opps! Where's your DEGREE?

📌The DEGREE you got, investing several hrs & lacs of rupees doesn't reflect these attributes.

I lost opportunities bcoz people didn't see my Competence

I lost money bcoz they didn't find me worthy

But then I took deliberate efforts in REBRANDING MYSELF

If I, at 42 can do this, WHY CAN'T YOU?

If, you're looking for 

⚡A new job
⚡Career change
⚡Salary hike
⚡More clients/ customers
⚡Inbound leads
⚡Building your influence

I invite to my Masterclass on👇

"How to build an appealing, authentic & profitable brand to attract your dream career opportunity"

18th April - 4:00-5:30pm


Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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