Subject: Tonight: Abundance Alchemy Insight @ 7PM | Law of Attraction @ 8PM

Hello Friend,

Hope you're doing fantastic!

We have an exciting lineup for you tonight, designed to deepen your understanding and enhance your journey with us.

6PM - Q & A session - Kickstart the evening at 6 PM with a Q&A session. It's your chance to get clarity on our Leaders course content and ensure you're maximizing your learning journey.

Zoom link

7 PM - Special Session on Abundance Alchemy Missed our last discussion on Abundance Alchemy?

No worries! Join us tonight at 7 PM for an exclusive session where we'll dive deep into the essence of Abundance Alchemy, exploring how it can transform your approach to wealth and prosperity.

Note: this program is not a part of Legends so if you've missed enrolling for it, today is the chance.

Zoom link

8 PM - Legends Law of Attraction Session Following our special session, we'll transition into our regular 8 PM Law of Attraction session. We will continue with our relationship craft.

Zoom link

Looking forward to seeing you there!

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

P.S - The zoom link for both Q & A & Aundance Alchemy is same.

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