Subject: This is How to Approach Jobs or Better Career Opportunities👇

Hello Friend,

Are you approaching a new job or promotion the same way as your Grand Parents or Parents did?🤷

Your survival & success depends upon how well you Differentiate yourself & Stand Out from the crowd.

Find out who you are - a Jobseeker (JS) or a Job attractor (JA)👇

What do you Focus on?

JS - I need A Job/ Promotion
JA - I need The Job/ Promotion

How do you create your Resume?

JS - Generic resume in an age-old format
JA - Customised & ATS proof

How aware are you of the Job market?

JS- Fighting for 20% advertised jobs
JA- Tapping into the 80% hidden job market

What's your Networking technique?

JS- Reach out to random people & spam them with the job request.
JA - Build relationships with their target audience


Are you building your Career Brand?

JS- Unaware about your brand power
JA - Consistently building your brand

Are you Marketing yourself?

JS - Have no idea how to market yourself
JA- Use different tools & approaches to market yourself


One of the best ways to differentiate yourself from the crowd is CONTENT CREATION.


Here's a snapshot of how my student Mohammad Ghouse got a job opportunity even when he wasn't looking for one, just by revamping his LINKEDIN profile & sharing a few content pieces 


Even if you're someone who is doing great at your work, I'm sure you know for a fact that there is NO JOB SECURITY.

Building your BRAND, creating your own tribe, networking & having a strong follower base is the least that you must start doing if you want to continue SURVIVING & SUCCEEDING in this DIGITAL WORLD.

Today more than 500 students from every domain possible in our community Career Branding Hub (CBH), are working to REBUILD their CAREER BRAND because they understand đź‘‡


Be honest & ask yourself - Are you prepared?

If not, then I invite you to join our fast-growing community of FUTURE LEADERS today & create an incredible future for YOURSELF.

Reply back to know more.


Sakshi Chandraakar

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