Subject: 🔥This ONE technique will never let you fail

Hello Friend,

Do you ever set goals?

If you do, then how do your really measure your progress?

Countless individuals set goals but struggle to achieve them.

Not because they put in less effort but because of the way they measure their progress.

👉During my school summer vacations, I used to travel to my grandma's house, which took 22 hours by train.

I would mark the passing hours and celebrate each one:
2 hours gone 💃 only 20 more to go.

👉During exams, I would track the number of chapters I needed to learn, which was 10.

I would celebrate after each chapter learned:
3 chapters learned 💃 only 7 left

❤️I always focused on the progress, no matter how small, as it brought me joy.

Many people tend to focus on the gap, the things they haven't achieved yet.

📌According to Dan Sullivan from Strategic Coach, "Measuring progress means looking back at where you started, not comparing against an ideal."

👉How we measure our progress can have a profound impact on our lives.

A slight shift in perspective can boost our confidence and fill us with positivity.

👉 Write down your goals and keep them in sight.
👉 Take small, consistent steps every day.
👉 Avoid comparing your goals to others.
👉 Evaluate progress based on your starting point.
👉 Celebrate your accomplishments.

Instead of obsessing over the gap, redirect your focus to the gains!
📌Say goodbye to the Gap, embrace the Gain!

Do let me know if you like to read more such content.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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