Subject: This Impacts Your Mental Well-being The Most👇

Hello Friend,

Do you know your relationships with your colleagues impact your well-being the most?

📌Several studies showed that having strong social support from colleagues positively influenced psychological well-being, job satisfaction, and reduced emotional exhaustion.

Have you experienced this?

"Think of your school days. Did you prefer your school more for studies or for friends?"

👉Good quality relationships sit at the core of our mental health whether it's school or office.

📌Let's bring our school days fun back to the office.
As they say, all the change begins with YOU.

So, here are a few things you must try to create in this environment yourself.

📌To save time you send an email. Now try this ðŸ‘‡

1-    Ditch Emails: Instead of relying solely on emails, try to engage in face-to-face conversations with your colleagues whenever possible.
Take a walk to their desk or schedule a coffee chat – the genuine connection is worth it!

📌To focus you wear headphones. Now try this ðŸ‘‡

2-    Abandon Your Headphones - While headphones may help you focus, consider removing them occasionally to be more accessible to your colleagues.
Be approachable and available for a quick conversation or a friendly interaction to build rapport with your team.

📌To be more efficient you skip lunch. Now try this ðŸ‘‡

3-    Don’t Skip Group Lunches - It's tempting to skip lunch or eat alone to maximize productivity but consider the value of shared meals with your colleagues.
Take the opportunity to connect, unwind, and build camaraderie over a shared meal.

📌To be more productive you work from home. Now try this ðŸ‘‡

4-    Reject Permanent Remote Work - While it's important to disconnect from the workplace occasionally, don't completely isolate yourself. Stay connected with your colleagues, even outside of work-related discussions.

Research shows that when people prioritize time to get to know their colleagues both professionally & personally, they start to create good quality trusting relationships.

This can help reignite the drive & job satisfaction.

Do let me know if you found this useful.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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