Subject: There is no win and no fail. There is only make!

Hello Friend,

I was just thinking about this quirky idea and had to share it with you: "There is no win and no fail. There is only make."

Kind of catchy, right? But it got me thinking about our careers in a whole new way.

Here’s the gist:

Imagine your career as one big, adventurous project. Every new job, skill, or network connection is like adding another cool feature to your project.

It’s not about winning some ultimate career trophy or being scared of slipping up. It’s more about what we’re making along the way – skills, experiences, our personal brand.

Why am I into this idea?

I’m on a mission to build the largest community of professional leaders who are not just reaching their highest potential but are also crafting lives they absolutely love. And I believe this mantra fits right into this journey.

Zero Pressure: Forget about chasing perfection. It's all about trying, learning, and tweaking.

Creative Freedom: Thinking of our career as a 'project' opens up so many fun and interesting paths.

Bounce Back Stronger: Every twist and turn is just part of the process. We learn, we grow – that’s the real deal.

Tying it into our careers:

It’s like your career is this exciting story you’re telling, with all its ups and downs. And the cool part?

You’re both the writer and the hero.

Does the idea of focusing on 'making' rather than just winning or losing in your career sound appealing to you?

If it does, I'd love to invite you to explore this concept further at our Career Branding Masterclass.

Join me tomorrow 28th Jan @ 11 Am with this link

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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