Subject: 📌The Pygmalion Effect is impacting your relationships

Hello Friend,

One of my students is going through a tough time at work.

His relationship with his boss is worsening every day & I often find him talking about how bad it is despite all his efforts to please him & perform better.

Have you ever encountered such a situation at work or in your personal life?

If yes, then let's decode this situation & see how you can turn it around.

This is a classic case of the Pygmalion Effect.

📌The Pygmalion Effect - “My expectations of you will influence your behavior”

Let me explain👇

Whatever you truly believe about a person in front of you, you end up sending signals, most of them subconsciously.
And the person on the receiving end subconsciously integrates the signals & acts accordingly.

How crazy is this 🤯

👉If I believe you can do it, you will do it & if believe you will fail, guess what? you will fail.

📌This effect was first established by Harvard Scientist Robert Rosenthal.

👉Robert conducted a fascinating experiment involving elementary school kids and IQ tests.

He then shared with the teacher which students he believed had the most potential to excel that year.

Surprisingly, these students showcased significant IQ improvements by year-end.

What's the catch? 👇

👉The list of high-potential kids was randomly chosen—they weren't inherently more capable.

📌The game-changer was the teacher's heightened expectations.

Even more surprising, follow-up studies revealed this effect only works when those expectations are genuine.

👉It's a simple yet remarkable reminder of the impact of belief on outcomes.

And this is true for both positive & negative beliefs.

So, how does this apply in the case of your boss?

👉You are subconsciously expecting negative behavior from your boss which is what he is showcasing. You really believe that he/she hates you.

📌Stop looking at people for what they are, instead of what they could be.
Change your expectations to change your results.

Start saying - My Boss (or whoever it is) loves me & I’m his/her favorite (believe it too).

I’m not saying it will be easy but it’s worth the try.

You can use this effect in any of your relationships.
With your kids, partner, teams, etc.

Remember – Your Personal and Professional Success depends upon 1% strategy & 99% Mindset.

Don’t ruin your chances with a fixed or negative mindset.

Do let me know if you found this message useful:)

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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