Subject: The Art of Money Seduction @ 7pm today

Hello Friend,

We have been conditioned to understand the word Seduction in sexual & kind of negative contexts only however this word has a simple yet very powerful meaning to it.

To seduce is to attract powerfully.

In today's session, you will learn how to attract money powerfully into your life.

I hope you went through yesterday's post about the 3 Truth Bombs (if not then pls do ).

This will be our last learning session of 2022 which will give you a strong head start for 2023 Financial goals.


💰Learn The Art of Money Seduction💰 today at 7 pm

Note - This session will not be recorded so you must attend it LIVE only.


Register for this session now👇

🔥Today will also be the last opportunity to upgrade to LEGENDS for a Lifetime.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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