Subject: 🔥The 10-30-60 Rule For Career Success

Hello Friend,

The 10-30-60 rule for Career Success 👇

Do you think people know you /hire you /promote you at work only on the basis of your performance?

Not really 🙋‍♀️

The SECRET to your success lies in

1- Your Performance (10%)

Yes, performance is mandatory however, it will only help you survive in the game.

2- Image/Reputation/Brand (30%)

What people think about you & your work related capabilities will decide if you are significant for the company & whether you deserve more.

You Personal Brand decided the next 30%

3- Visibility/Exposure (60%)

Who & how many people know you, your capabilities & achievements?

Your sky will be only be as big as the circumference of your well.

Come out of the well & be visible to the decision makers, stake holders, employers, clients & customers.

90% of your success depends upon your Personal Brand & Visibility & you are still wondering how to better your performance 🙆‍♀️

If you think you are talented & but 

👉You are not getting opportunities

👉You are not yet making an impact
👉You are not yet building that influence which you can,
then it's time to work on your "Personal & Career Brand
& becoming more Visibile"

I invite you to attend my Free Masterclass & learn "How to build your brand & get more visibility"

Date- 11th July @4:00 PM

Let me know which stage are you stuck at.

The doors will open at 3:50PM

Click on this 👇 link to enter the session

Meeting ID: 894 1048 1917
Passcode: CBM


Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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