Subject: ⚡THE MISTAKE that’s costing you Millions💰

Hello Friend,

Have you ever thought about the OPPORTUNITY COST of not investing in your self-development?

Simply put, the opportunity cost is what you must forgo in order to get something.

It's time to understand that the money you don't invest in your learning could cost you huge losses in your career.

👉Imagine you are considering spending 10000/- on a new outfit or a gadget that will provide you temporary satisfaction.

📌The fact is that you won't wear the same outfit every day & in just a few months your gadget too will become outdated.

👉Now, let's say you invest that same 10000/- in a professional course or certification that will enhance your skills, and make you a more competitive candidate for a higher-paying job, and thus more valuable in the job market.

📌The fact is that the more you practice those skills the more confident & competent you become to attract bigger opportunities.

This choice will have a greater impact on your career growth and earning potential in the long run.

✔️The difference between Successful & Unsuccessful people doesn't lie in their talents & knowledge but in their choices.

👉In the last 3 years, I've invested more than 25 lacs in my own learnings & have generated a revenue of more than 2.5 CR.

😥Had I not invested this money I would have been stuck at 1.5 to 2 lacs a month with no freedom of time & money probably for a lifetime.

💥Today I travel without thinking of my budget. Buy outfits without checking the price tag & spend time with people who are more successful (This was unimaginable 3 years back).

⚠️So, next time you're thinking about spending money on materialistic possessions, consider the opportunity cost and think about the long-term benefits of investing in your self-development.

Trust me, it will be worth it!

I've been relentlessly working on my Career Branding which brought me opportunities to make money & create a larger impact.

If you are a job seeker or working professional looking to truly make an outstanding career & live a life of choice not chance then join me in my masterclass tomorrow, Sunday 26th Feb @ 11 AM

Here's your zoom session link 👇


Take out a little time today to think about how the choices you made in the past resulted in your financial & professional growth.

The time we are living in isn't easy for any of us.

You can either REBRAND yourself now or REGRET your decision later.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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