Subject: Stop Fearing Interviews 🤚

Hello Friend,

It's time to look at interviews from a different perspective. 

Interviews are opportunities for you to sell your services and articulate how well you fit the bill and have greater chances of success in the role. 

How to show this👇

1- You are a service provider - Fear & anxiety come when you think that others are doing a favor by giving you the job. They need you & your services to solve certain problems. They need you as much as you need them. 

2- Be a giver - Fear comes when you think you are at their discretion. The moment you realize that you are the giver, your stature rises. You become equal. 

3- Understand the needs - As a seller & service provider, it's your duty to identify the needs of your buyer (employer) & provide solutions that fulfill their requirements the best. 

4- Be better than your competition - Remember that your buyer has other options (other interviewees) to choose from. You got to show your X-factor. 

5- Find the right customer - Don't sell your services randomly. Not every employer will need your solutions. 

6- Improve your services - There will always be someone who would want to replace you. Keep upgrading yourself to add more value to your buyers & show how your services can benefit them in the long run.

7- Focus on equal value exchange - Don't hesitate in asking for the right value( salary) for your services. If you have conviction in the value you provide, the buyer will always be willing to compensate you right. 

8- Become a PREMIUM BRAND - Your value will be determined by your 
✔️ Packaging (clothing & grooming) 
✔️ Presentation (etiquette, communication & other soft skills) 
✔️ Pitch (selling & persuasion skills)



Success in your career depends upon how well you Build, Market & Consistently Promote Your Brand during interviews & at work.

Attend the free Masterclass to learn how to rebrand yourself to attract multiple job offers, salary hikes, and promotions👇

Date - 11th May 2022

Time - 8:00 PM

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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