Subject: 🔥Stop Convincing, Start Attracting!

Hello Friend,

Are you tired of convincing people?

Believe it or not, you are a salesperson.

👉 Your career success depends upon how well you sell yourself to others.

I understand the term selling can bring in different kinds of emotions, mostly negative!

Well because you think it involves convincing other people.

But is this not what we do all day long?

On LinkedIn Convincing 👇

- a recruiter to check our resume
- a connection to refer us for a job
- a potential customer to buy our services
- audience to read our post 😜

At Work Convincing 👇

- your Boss for a leave
- client to sign that deal

Can't imagine home 🙆‍♀️

The problem is when we try to convince we
👉 lose our posture
👉 lose control
👉 lose the upper hand
👉 lose the sale

But what if I tell you that you don't have to convince anymore?

You can attract & sell!

While your competition is trying to convince others you will
- Stand out
- Build trust
- Establish your authority

And this is how you create an Appealing, Authentic & Profitable Career Brand.

So, if you are tired of convincing people, & wish to attract them, I invite you to my free training session today, 3rd April at 7 PM on Career Branding

Here's your Zoom session link 👇

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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