Subject: 🔥Special Learning Session tomorrow @7PM

Hello Friend,

I'm excited to invite you to yet another eye-opening learning session tomorrow 16th of April @ 7 PM

Topic: Leveraging Your Brand For Career Success & Wealth Creation

🔥I shall be sharing a lot of my learnings from the recent FBR event that I attended last week.

🔥These are the golden nuggets given by the best of the Industry Coaches, Entrepreneurs & Content Creators who are making millions today.

📌This session won't be recorded & shall benefit only those who would attend it LIVE.

Please block 2 hrs 7 pm-9 pm tomorrow for this session.

👉You will also get an opportunity to upgrade to Champions & Legends Membership with an exclusive offer only for tomorrow.

Block your time & set the reminder right away

Register for the session now 👇

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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