Subject: 💸Sign Up for the Affiliate Partner Program

Hello Friend,

Super excited to onboard you in our Affiliate Partner Program!

Earn while you Learn - 30% off every referral

Please follow these Steps

1- Click on the sign-up link to share all your relevant details 👇

2- Upload your Pan card only to both of these places👇(file size less than 1MB)

> Upload Signed Affiliate Acceptance Declaration

> Valid Identity Proof

We are currently making certain changes in our agreement so the new agreement will be shared later but in the meantime just sign up so that we can approve your application.

👉 It will take 3-4 days to get the affiliate dashboard active, so until then tagging your leads won't be possible.

👉I reckon you start sharing your links once the dashboard is up & running. I'll keep you informed about this.

Congratulations on earning a massive passive income💸🤑

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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