Subject: ⚡Secret to Your Career Opportunities

Hello Friend,

Are you struggling to find that one break, one opportunity where you can prove yourself?

Do you know why some people keep getting more opportunities than you👇Because they work on their Career Brand Strategy.

And what is that ?


These people who are Visible Brands or who you call Experts are no different than you.

Infact, many of them accept that they are not the smartest or the most knowledgeable ones.

So, how are they attracting opportunities?

-They are scared of showing their work, yet they present it

-They are scared of reaching out to people, yet they connect

-They are scared of creating content, speak or engage with others, yet they attempt.

-They are scared of being judged, yet they perform.

And what's the result? They 👇

📌Stand out of the crowd

📌Get job offers

📌Find speaking engagements

📌Sell their products or services

📌Earn referrals & recommendations

📌Grow their network


"To have more you need to give more & be more"

Building your personal & career brand isn't difficult however, it needs a well thought of strategy & consistency.

You are losing millions if you are not managing your brand.

Allow me to assist you in planning your Career strategy to help you create your success story.

Together we can overcome your challenges🤝

Attend the Masterclass on SUNDAY 20th March (tomorrow) at 4:00pm.

This is your access link 👇

See you inside🙋‍♀️

To your Brand's Success,
Sakshi Chandraakar
Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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