Subject: Revision & Implementation

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Hello Friend,

You have several lessons in different courses & with every new session, new learning gets added.

However, I've noticed that many of you are not implementing the learnings you already have.

So, today we won't have any session however, I want you to take out this time to revisit your 45 days goal & plan your learnings accordingly.

Today sit to decide what videos to watch, what skills to learn & what actions to take.

> Get active in the hives & connect with others.

> Ask about their progress & share your challenges.

> Give & get help.

You got 35 days left to achieve your goal.


Everyone in the Hive is being watched.

Your activities & participation will decide your personal & your hive scores.

And if you wish to revise the Money Mindset join today's session at 7 PM on

"How to Alter Your Money Reality"

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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