Subject: Our lives are no different...

Hello Friend,

Every change is an inner change.

There are only 4 kinds of problems we all go through.

1- Relationship

2- Health

3- Career

4- Money

Given my age, I suffered in every area for more than 40 years of my life.

Money was always scarce

3 years we were in such debt that I couldn't even afford to keep domestic help.

I had to borrow money from my siblings to pay my phone bills & my elder son's school fees.

Sold whatever little bit of jewelry I had to pay my home loan EMI & would still be threatened by the collection agents to throw me out of my house.

My relationship worsened with my husband with every passing day.

And every other day I would think of a way to end my life.

I have seen it all.

And today for the first time, I'm sharing this with you because I don't want you to struggle in any manner or form like I did or you are.

If I could change my circumstances so can you.

Things changed for me when I changed myself.

Every change is an inner change,

You can stop feeling sorry for yourself, you can have the amazing relationships you always wanted, heal yourself from within, attract money & career opportunities like never before ONLY & IF you start changing your mind scripts.

👉This is the reason why I have Legends Membership in the first place.

If you suffer in any one area of your life the others are bound to get affected.

We all have just one life & we don't know for how long.


Believe me, you can live it the best this time itself.

I've got everything covered for you here in LEGENDS

👉Law of Attraction & NLP to help you deal with your MINDSET

👉Soft Skills, Executive Presence & Branding courses to help you EXCEL IN YOUR CAREER.

You can very well choose to not opt for it but I want you to ask yourself -

👉For how long do you wish to struggle?

👉For how long do you wish to blame your situation & people in your life?

👉For how long do you plan to give excuses to fool yourself into not doing anything?

I know you fear the change

I know you think what if...

I too had it. But trust me the world on the other side of fear is beautiful.

We have both hope & happiness on this side.

Just move one step forward, the universe is waiting for your leap of faith to open its miracle door to you.

🤗I will always be here irrespective of your decision.

⌛You only have 8 hrs left. The offer ends at 12 tonight

Click on this link to get the details if you make up your mind to move forward & join the Legends Membership👇


✅Year End Offer Price - 190000/-

Payment options 👇

✅ One-time pay - 160000/- (save 20k extra)

✅ Part-payment - 30000/-

Pay the rest in 5 equal installments of 32k each every alternate month

Please click on this link to enroll 👇

Looking forward to serving you more & witnessing your super success soon.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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