Subject: Napoleon Hill's most potent quote 👇

 This is one of my favourite quotes from Napoleon Hill:

"The world has a habit of making room for the man whose words and actions show that he knows where he is going."

This simple quote has "two layers" to it.

Layer #1: You need to know exactly where you're going.

Layer #2: Your words & actions must match that.

Hill, summed up the greatest principles of human achievement - in a simple line.

That's what I liked about this quote.

Now how can we use this?

I used a process called "future pacing" your career.

As a result I enjoyed a highly rewarding career.

Here's how it works:

  • Imagine it's the year 2029.

(5 years from today)

  • You can add some grey hairs to your future self for added effect.

(if you wish)

  • Now, imagine you're doing your ideal job.

  • You don't find a single drop of resistance in this job. It's as if you're meant to do this.

  • You're with your idea people. You enjoy working with every single person. Your superiors & your subordinates.

  • You get an ideal salary. In fact, it's 15% more than how much you expect to be paid at 2029. Life's good.


What exactly did that scene look like?

The last step is to define this clearly.

1) What does your ideal job look like? What exactly are your roles & responsibilities?

2) What type of people do you enjoy working with the most? What traits do they have?

3) What is your ideal salary? (Exact CTC)

Define this clearly.

And reply to this email with those 3.

This exercise will give you crystal clear clarity on where your career is headed. With this new-found clarity you'll now start doing the actions required to take you there (unconsciously).

The mere process of you typing this out and replying to me will make you vibrate at a different frequency.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

​P.S. I'm conducting a masterclass this coming Sunday on how to score your ideal job with an ideal salary + working with ideal people. Register here for the masterclass.​

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