Subject: Nail Any Job Interview 🔨

Hello Friend,

Do you know that every interviewer is secretly judging you on only these 2 parameters? 

Parameter 1 - CAN YOU DO THE JOB?

Ask yourself - do you have these to do the job 👇
1-    Knowledge
2-    Skills
3-    Abilities
4-    Experience
5-    Expertise

All of this you will find in the job description & most candidates prepare themselves for these questions.

In fact, your resume is usually full of evidence of the above.

Parameter 2 – WILL YOU DO THE JOB?

❌This is where candidates lose

Ask yourself - do you have these to do the job 👇
1-    The Energy
2-    The Drive
3-    The Character Traits
4-    The Leadership Qualities
5-    The Communications Skills
6-    The Persistence
And more…

✔️In short, the much-needed Soft Skills.

Clearing the Can-do rounds is easy for most candidates but only a few prove their WILL to do the job.

There is no dearth of qualified candidates in our country, but your qualification is a tiny criterion.

Do you think you are able to position yourself as a stand-out candidate?

If you want to work with the best brands, make sure you position yourself as a brand, not a commodity.

And if you are keen on Rebranding yourself meet me live in my masterclass tomorrow 28th Dec at 7 pm to understand how to show the WILL to do the job.

Here's your zoom session link 👇


See you tomorrow

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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