Subject: My son met with an accident and he is...

Hello Friend,

Yesterday my younger son met with an accident while I was conducting the Brandathon session.

He tripped over a speed breaker while riding his bike & got badly hurt.

I was so engrossed in my session that I didn't notice when & how he got back home.

After the session when I went inside my bedroom I saw some blood stains on the floor & saw him laughing watching something on his phone.

I asked him about the blood stain & he removed the blanket & showed me all his wounds.

Luckily my husband was home & he took care of him.

But why am I sharing this with you?

Because this is for the first time I saw my son happy despite the pain.

He is experiencing the magic of the Law of attraction & power of mind control.

He is learning to play positive stories in his mind.

This time he is playing the story that the universe is testing his tolerance before he gets some superpower to become the best sprint runner in his grade.

He practices the Law of attraction & NLP techniques to keep his mind in the positive zone all the time.

We all are going through our own set of challenges in different areas of our life but the only thing that controls the outcome in every area is our mind.

Our Feelings, Thoughts, Believes & Actions are the driving force.

I am at peace thinking that my son would be able to tackle everything bcoz he understands that it's only his frequency that's attracting the good & the bad in his life & he learning to raise his frequency.

If a 12 yr kid can learn to handle his challenges positively can we adults not?

I too am learning & so can you.

Only if you have the willingness to reset your frequency.

> The belief system you hold on to doesn't allow you to experience the change.

> The chains holding you back is a sinister trick your mind is playing on YOU! 

> All the money, abundance, health, relationships & more that you want in your life is just one frequency away.

💥In today's session, I will be explaining how to reset your mind to seduce money but this process will help you seduce anything in your life :)

Set the reminder for 7 pm & be there no matter what.

Note - This session will not be recorded so you must attend it LIVE only.


Register for this session 👇here

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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