Subject: Meet me @ 9PM - 45 Days Goal Manifestation

Hello Friend,

We are around 51 days away from our Event in Mumbai.

I want this time to be one of the most memorable times in your life.

By making you feel super proud of who you are!

You might already be working on some of your goals however, I want you to meet me today at 9 PM to understand an important manifestation technique that can help you attract your goal real fast.

Whether you are able to join me in the Event or not, I want all of us as a community to set a 45-day goal & hold each other accountable.

This is also to bring the biggest support we can from within our Legends Community to help each other reach our goals.

Excited to see you in the session at 9 PM

Join the session with this link👇

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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