Subject: Meet Your Monetory Goal In 3 Months

Hello Friend,

2022 will give you your report card in the next 3 months.

It will show how well you played your game this year.

Your results will be a reflection of our commitment, dedication & action.

You might be somebody who has grown wiser, sharper, richer OR you haven't changed a bit.

You might still give your best in the last 3 months or will procrastinate & wait for the new yr to make new resolutions.

What will you choose?

You are just 1 decision away from an amazing financial future.

The decision of Rebranding Yourself.

Rebranding is all about

1- Identifying your trueself
2- Finding your gaps & start bridging the same
3- Repositioning yourself in the market
4- Becoming more visible
5- Having the conviction that you deserve more because you serve more

If you are someone who is willing to take up this challenge to give your best in the last quarter of 2022 & achieve your career & financial goal then join me in my Career Branding Masterclass today, 25th Sept at 4:00 PM

🔥Let's create the strategies that will get you to your goal by Dec 2022

Join me LIVE today at 04:00 PM

Are you taking up this challenge?

To Your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar
Career Branding Coach
Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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