Subject: May the supreme light illumine your mind this Diwali

Hello Friend,

I want to take a moment and wish you and your family members a very Happy & Prosperous Dhanteras & Diwali 🙏

May this Diwali spread a lot of light, love, and abundance.

May this Diwali takes away all the darkness of pain, unhappiness, and lack.

May this Diwali show you that every darkness in the past can be turned into enormous light in the present or future.

That's how the journey was for me.

Light always followed the darkness.

2015-2018, was the worst phase of my life.

The outside world always found me happy & smiling but the world within was suffocating.

With a caring husband, a middle-class lifestyle & 2 adorable sons, my life looked amazing to most people around me.

But I had this question haunting me all the time - Is this it?

Is this what you are here for Sakshi?

Is this your purpose of living?

And I wasn't getting any answers.

I was so unhappy & frustrated with myself that I felt like running away & committing suicide.

This was the darkest phase of my life but as they say, the night is darkest before dawn.

This struggle helped me find my mentor.

It helped me find my strength.

It helped me find my voice.

It helped me to turn my knowledge into massive programs to serve.

It helped me find you :)

Whatever tough situations I went through helped me move up to the next level.

Whatever may be your situation, I'm here to let you know that there is light on the other side. You just need to be open to receiving it.

Darkness is there to help us realize the value of light.

And the beauty of life is that this goes in cycles, to help us evolve and grow to the next level.

If you are already doing well, may you grow to the next level by breaking through that glass ceiling that may be stopping you from playing the next level game.

I'm here to let you know that I'm there for you.

We have met virtually only, but I am the real person here, letting my heart open up to you.

I'm here to tell you that I believe in you.

Start believing in yourself, and the magic will unfold.

The best gift you can give everyone around you on Diwali is your own courage to shine, to help, to rise, and to be true to who you want to be.

I just played my part & now it's your turn to let your light shine the way toward a life that feels like it’s meant for you.

Happy Diwali  🪔

Let's meet today at 8 pm to celebrate Diwali together & learn to overcome the mental blocks that are keeping the light away.

Will you be there?

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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