Subject: 🥳Manjula Iyer's 50% Hike with TCS: Unlock Similar Career Wins @11AM Today!

Hello Friend,

I'm thrilled to share the transformative journey of one of my students 😍

💥Manjula Iyer Joins TCS with a 50% Hike using the strategies learned from our Career Branding Model.

Success stories like these inspire me every day, and I am excited to share the strategies that lead to such transformative experiences.

🎓 Join Us for a Masterclass on Career Branding

  • When: When: Today 19th Nov at 11 AM

  • What: Unlock the secrets to career branding that open doors to prime jobs, promotions, and more clients.

In this masterclass, we will dive deep into techniques and strategies to build a compelling career brand that stands out.

Whether you're a job seeker or a working professional looking to advance your career, this session is tailored just for you.

I look forward to seeing you there and helping you shape your path to success!

Here's your Zoom session link 👇

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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