Subject: 🚀Let's Conquer 2024: Jan Schedule & Goal Setting @ 7:30 PM

Hello Friend,

As we embark on 2024, I'm excited to invite you to our first Goal Setting Session of the year.

It's time to roll up our sleeves, set some solid goals, and look forward to celebrating our hard work in Goa!

Here’s our plan:

  1. Define Our 3-Month Goals: Together, we'll map out our goals for the next quarter. We’re aiming for clear, achievable targets that will steer us towards success.

  2. Ambition Meets Practicality: While setting these goals, we'll balance our ambition with a practical approach, ensuring that we’re stretching ourselves but also keeping things real.

  3. Get Ready for Challenges: The road to achieving these goals might be tough, but I know we’ve got the grit and determination to face them head-on.

🌴 Celebration in Goa: Remember, all this hard work isn’t going unnoticed. We’ll be celebrating our achievements in style with our retreat in Goa.

This session is the start of something great.

🗓️ Monthly Schedule - Click on this link to find this month's schedule - Jan's schedule

I’m looking forward to seeing you there and to all that we will accomplish together.


Join our session with this link 👇


To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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