Subject: Legends Upgrade

Hello Nayan,

I got to know from the team that you're soon getting married 😍

That's great news! Many congratulations to you & your partner💐

I also found out that you wish to drop off from Legends.

You certainly have the right to do so however, before you do that, I would invite you to do this very small exercise.

📌Pls, make a list of all the expenses you would be incurring to begin this beautiful journey.

You can surely take the help of chatgpt :) & then calculate the investment.

📌Now sit with an open mind & ask yourself what one thing out of this big list will help you grow in your career, will get you to make more money, will help you become more confident & will help you build better relationships.

👉Is it the furniture, jewelry, clothing, food, travel, the venue, or something else?

Do let me know if you get an answer.

Now I want you to make a list of things you would gain after investing in the program.

And I can help you do this👇

1- You will learn to communicate well & become confident both in your personal & professional life.

2- You will learn to adapt better & understand other people's perspectives.

3- You will develop emotional intelligence to handle difficult situations & be more sensitive

4- You will be able to solve problems both in your personal & professional life without having to depend on others.

5- You will learn to face your fears & act confidently

6- You will know how to raise your frequency to attract better opportunities, people

7- You will become competent to provide more for your family

8- You will become a better son, husband & father.

The list of benefits on this side is endless.

💍I know marriage is one of the biggest events, your family has expectations & you have dreams. And you must enjoy it to the fullest.

I just want to tell you that I was no different than you but I've made numerous wrong decisions in my life Nayan, where I gave importance to material things over personal growth & I paid a big price for that in terms of challenges in my relationships & career.

Take this advice as an elder sister not as a coach.

You not joining Legends will not affect my life in but it surely will affect yours.

👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼And one thing I can promise, you & your wife one day will be proud of this decision.

Legends is not just for you but for your family as well. People join it to improve all the 4 areas of their life - health, relationships, careers & money.

Here's what 2 of the legends shared with me this morning.

📌Samir Joshi sent me this 👇

📌Ann sent this handwritten letter 👇

Now I leave the decision to you.

You know can choose to go for any of the Installment options.

May the Universe help you in making the best decision.

All the Best

Sakshi Chandraakar

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