Subject: Lack Motivation to Work? Read this 👇

Hello Friend,

Have you ever said this?👇

There’s no motivation in my life
I don’t feel motivated to do this

And, have you ever watched these motivational videos on Youtube or attended a webinar or seminar for the same?

Now be honest & ask yourself – How long did that motivation last?

Few hrs or a few days?

Let me break this to you👇

➡️Nobody can ever motivate you to do anything that you do not VALUE.

➡️Every human consciously or unconsciously lives moment by moment by a unique set of priorities or values - things that are most to least important in their life.

This set of values dictates how each individual perceives, decides, and acts.

Let me give you an example👇

* Both my sons love to play online games & need no motivation to sit in front of the laptop for hours but they do need the motivation to sit for an online class.

* Many of you don’t need the motivation to binge-watch Netflix but need a lot of push to complete that project or attend a zoom meeting.


Because my kids Value Games more than Studies

And You Value Comfort & Entertainment more than Work

So, no matter how many Motivational videos you watch if your value isn’t Learning, growth or performance, you will never feel motivated from inside.

➡️Your personal & professional growth is directly proportional to your values.

But does that mean we will never feel motivated to do other stuff?

No, we will, because we all need 2 kinds of Motivation👇

Intrinsic & Extrinsic

➡️Intrinsic comes from your values
➡️Extrinsic may come from rewards or punishments, love or anger & many other ways.

So, I may reward my kids with a Pizza party if they score well & your boss may reward you with a hike or scare you with a job loss.

❌But remember, you can never succeed if you are always dependent on external factors for your motivation.

➡️The best way to always stay motivated is to be in the right niche, do what you love doing & you will motivate others to invest in you.

If you are still struggling to find the purpose of your living and identifying the right career direction then join me in my upcoming masterclass tomorrow, 20th July @7:00 PM

Here's your session link

Read what my students have to say about getting clarity on their career path 👇


To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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