Subject: Kickstart Our 3-Month Journey

Hello Friend,


We're embarking on a focused three-month journey to achieve our goals, underpinned by four pillars: Mindset, Skillset, Peopleset, and AI.

Here's what you need to do:

Action Items:

Step 1- Watch the Goal Setting Course: This series of five videos, coupled with PDF materials, will lay the groundwork for your success. (available both on teachable & CBH App)

Step 2- Develop Your Niche Statement: Clarify your focus by preparing a niche statement.

Write Your Niche statement in this format. [I help ______(your target audience)_____solve (a core problem)____or achieve ____(a singular benefit)_____through _____(your unique solution)______.]

Step 3- Fill Out the Google Form: 3 Months Goal Tracker

This information will help us form specific support groups, ensuring you get the most relevant guidance, resources, and peer support.

Ensure your form submission by 29th Feb to begin the process smoothly from March 1st.

If you have questions or need guidance, I'm here for you.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

P.S - If you've recently joined Legends, please start by watching the Goal Setting course. Following that, I will review your Niche Statement next week. You can submit the form later.

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