Subject: ⚡Join the Masterclass at 7 PM to get results like Ekta

Hello Friend,

I'm not sure if you've ever attended my Career Branding Masterclass.

However, I would love to meet you today at 7 PM because I know this session can help you bring about the shift that can help you get results similar to my student Ekta Anand.

Ekta Anand joined my community a few months ago when she was struggling to move up to a senior position.

Despite her talents, performance, and experience, she was not getting what she deserved.

💥Today, Ekta shared the fantastic news of finally becoming General Manager at her company.

She had been waiting for this opportunity for over 2 years & had lost all hope.

👉Finally, she worked on her branding, visibility, and self-limiting beliefs, and this is what she shared.



At CBH (Career Branding Hub) we witness such success stories every week.

People are changing their skill sets as well as their mindsets.

It doesn't matter whether you are starting your career as a fresher or have been in the corporate world for a long time, career growth isn't just about getting any job or promotion.

👉It's about being your authentic self, following your passion, and creating your career around your NICHE so that you can live a fulfilling life and make a lot of money too.

If you are inspired and would like to attract better opportunities, then join me LIVE today, March 1st, in my Masterclass at 7:00 PM.

Here's your zoom session link 👇

I look forward to helping you reach your goal super soon.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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