Subject: 👉Is LinkedIn presence really helpful?

Hello Friend,

Do you ever doubt the power of LinkedIn?

A reader of my last post on the importance of building a great online presence questioned me about the need for an online presence.

His ex-colleague got a job with Google without having an optimized profile or creating content

So here's going back to the same VCP concept.

People with opportunities often follow the VCP concept consciously or unconsciously.

Step 1- Become VISIBLE to the decision-makers first.

Now, these decision-makers could be inside your current organization or anywhere in your network outside.

What's visible to them should be your
✔️Skills & Talents
✔️Experience & Potential
✔️Attitude & Behavior
✔️Values & Mindset

🔥In one word your BRAND

2- Step 2- Establish your CREDIBILITY by overdelivering what you promised & maintaining great relationships with your network.

3- Step 3- Become PROFITABLE by Upskilling yourself & stay updated about the upcoming opportunities.  

People who consistently grow in their career are the ones who keep up-skilling & up-grading themselves as professionals.

🔥They keep investing in their self-development

Investing in learning
Hard skills - Will make them experts in your domain
Soft skills - Will make them exceptional leaders in your domain.

🙋‍♀️Now, to all the above you ADD an IMPRESSIVE PROFILE & you get 👇

1- Multiple job opportunities
2- Higher salary packages
3- Quicker promotions
4- More Clients
5- Consulting & speaking opportunities
6- Huge follower base
7- A ready market for your new business
8- Freelancing gigs
9- Mentorship assignments
10- Networking opportunities with industry leaders & influencers

🔥Soch Badlo Future Badlega

After this also, if people don't want to focus on their presence, then they are choosing to live in mediocrity.

What would you choose?
Action or Mediocrity

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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