Subject: 🤔Intellectually Rich, Financially Broke!

Hello Friend,

Do you know someone super smart? Packed with degrees, and skills for days.

But when it comes to money, they’re just not where they should be.

Does it ring a bell? Is this you? 

📌Here's the thing: Academics and skills – we value them, we chase them. But they don't always pay the bills. 

Why? You may be missing some key pieces.

Think about it:

> Are you equipped to build a strong professional network?

> Are you good at talking and connecting with people?

> Can you work well in a team to bring ideas to life?

> Can you sell yourself and your ideas effectively?

> Are you managing your finances wisely? 

These skills are essential tools in your career toolkit, often overlooked in the pursuit of academic accolades. 

🚨Imagine the effects of not investing in yourself: Diminishing bank balance, stalled career, fear of job loss, wavering confidence, and even troubled relationships. 

🚫"No luck, no time, no money, a bad environment..." These are common excuses, but are they the real barriers to your success?

💡Remember - Your career grows as you do so, the real choice is between making money or making excuses. 

Are you prepared to turn your intellectual riches into financial success? 

🔥Join me in my Career Branding Masterclass at 7 PM, if you are keen on building a career that gives financial abundance.

Let's work on your branding & get you the opportunities you truly deserve- a prime job, hike/ promotion, or more clients.

Note - Today is the ONLY chance left to win a spot in our LAST BRANDING BOOTCAMP starting 15th Dec to 17th Dec, valued at ₹21,000 absolutely for FREE.

This boot camp promises to take your brand from basic to mastery & help you carve a path towards financial abundance.

I'll keep the doors open at 06:50 PM

Click on this button below to join the Zoom session ðŸ‘‡

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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