Subject: ⚡Independence Day Special Learning Session at 6:00 PM

Hello Friend,

We have already strated celebrating our 75th year of Independence. It's huge for us however, I wonder if you ever question your Independence.

Is mere Independence enough for us?

Independence is freedom to do whatever you want but are you capable of doing whatever you want?

What we truly need is Self-reliance.

➡️ Self- reliance is having the resouces to truly enjoy our independence. 

➡️ It's about not having the need to depend on others for our survival.

➡️ It's about having more control over our life & decisions.

This Independence Day let's make ourselves more capable of attracting our goals faster. 

Inviting you to our special learning session tomorrow, Saturday 13th Aug @ 6:00 PM


**** We won't have a Q & A tomorrow ****

Here's your session link 👇

✔️ If you are joining tomorrow just reply back - I am Self-reliant

To your Brand's Success
Sakshi Chandraakar
Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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