Subject: Imagine this...

Hello Friend,

Imagine this,...

It is 31st December 2022. New Year's Eve. You are celebrating with your friends and family. Dance, Good Food, TV shows...

You look at the clock. It is 11:50 pm. You realize in about 10 minutes, the clock will strike 12. And 2022 is gone!

Omg! You pinch yourself! Time flew by so fast - 2022 had just started.

You were happy, celebrating New Year's Eve, but suddenly...

You realize, there was more you could have done, to make 2022 even more meaningful.

You start thinking -

> I could have done more for my health and got myself in shape.

> I could have given more time to my family members.

> I could have gained more knowledge.

> I could have made more money than I did.

> I could have launched my business/gig

> I could have developed more skills & gotten my dream job/promotion

You suddenly start thinking about all those things which you wanted to do by the time 2022 finished - but there is a big pending list.

And you have mixed emotions!

2022 could have been better than what it was!

Your emotions are changing from happy celebrations to guilt for delaying things.

The clock strikes 12.

Everyone is wishing each other a Happy New Year.

Yes, you are happy, but somewhere deep down inside - you know you could have done more!!!

Knock Knock, Friend listen - Good News!

It's still September 2022. There are still 100 days left for 2022 to finish!

That makes it about 2400 hours! About 1,44,000 minutes!

Smile :) You still have time - To do everything that you wished to do in 2022!!!!

To change things which you want to in 2022.

All you have to do Friend is to decide - What do you want to achieve in the next 100 days?

You can achieve absolutely anything that you desire in 1,44,000+ minutes left to bid goodbye to 2022!!!

Have you thought about how you will spend the next 100 days?

What actions will you take in the next 100 days?

What decisions will you take in the next 100 days?

Friend you don't need to make 100 decisions in the next 100 days.

Just 1 decision.

Yes, Friend just 1 decision can alter the trajectory of your life!

Just 1 decision for the Goal that matters the most! That's it.

Friend listen, You have come a long way already in 2022.

Look back - You have accomplished so many things in 2022 :) Things that you did not even dream you will do in 2021.

You decided to stand up for yourself...

You decided to live to your actual potential...

You decided to give up on your fears...

You decided to change...

You decided to Build Your Brand...

You joined and connected to the Career Branding Hub...

Be proud of yourself. Hug Yourself.

But the truth is, you can do more in these 100 days.

You have so much potential inside of you - which you cannot even imagine!

Think about this - How can you plan your remaining 100 days of 2022 so that the next 100 weeks - about 2 years are amazing for you?

Listen Friend I have a beautiful plan created for you - which I would love to share with you.

On the 25th September, Sunday at 11 am, when you join the session live, I want to reveal this plan to you.

I want to bring so much clarity to your next 100 days so that you can fully utilize the Q4 of 2022 doing things that matter.

No more confusion, No more delays. Get up and make the next 100 days worth it for yourself and your Career Brand!

Sounds Exciting right?

Registered for the session


I don't want you to miss out on this clarity.

On 25th September, I am going to give you an opportunity to become a LIFETIME LEGEND MEMBER.

I want you to get the best offer to make your next 100 days meaningful - which will help you craft the right journey for your Career Brand with super clarity and speed.

I have decided Friend how to spend my next 100 days - and that is to serve Career Branding Hub Members even more.

Because I want to see you grow. I get my high to when you get your breakthroughs & achieve your goals.

Are you ready for your growth? Let's do this!

See you on 25th September 2022 at 11 am.

This call will not be recorded.


If you are going to be there LIVE 100% reply back to this email saying - I PROMISE TO BE THERE LIVE.

Friend Thank you for choosing to learn and grow.

Learning is the biggest secret to Succeed.

Thank you for valuing this!


To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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