Subject: I want you to do this today (#1 investment I made)

Today, I want to talk about the #1 investment I made...

But before that...

First things, first. I'd like to wish you a very Happy Akshaya Tritiya.

I'm praying you get blessed with abundant career opportunities for the rest of your life.

This Akshaya Tritiya, I want to thank you for being part of this journey.

You are the reason I keep pushing forward, learning, and sharing.

I always hope the best for you.

I wanted to take a moment to connect with you and share something that's close to my heart today...

Today is a day of abundance & prosperity.

They say any new venture that you start today will be successful.

People buy gold today, so their wealth & abundance expands for the rest. of their lives.

I'd suggest you invest in your learning today. Knowledge is the most sustainable form of wealth.

Once you know what it takes to make Crores, nobody can take that knowledge away from you. It's all yours. And you can keep doing it over & over again.

For me, knowledge is the #1 investment I've ever made.

I've invested over 80 Lakhs in my own learning.

With books, courses, coaches & training programs.

Some people thought I was nuts, but that was only until they got to know...

…that I've made close to 7 Crores because of the knowledge I gained from

those investments.

It was a bold move, but it "forced" me to believe in my own potential.

(how else do I make the ROI in 80 Lakhs back?!)

And I believe that investing in yourself is one of the most powerful things you can do.

So, invest in learning today.

Buy a new book, an audio program, a course, or hire a coach.

The intensity is not as important as the intention.

Start a new learning journey today. No matter how small or big.

All the very best! If this message resonated with you, then let me know by hitting reply.

To Your Brand's Success,

Sakshi Chandraakar

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